Last Sunday after a wonderful service at Mosaic Nashville, a group of us decided to head out to Tent City to pass out bottles of water. Tent City is the home for many of Nashville's homeless population.
New friend Alan, who I met that morning, felt led to help out the people of Tent City after seeing it one day while running with his track team. His mom owns a Pepsi Distribution Company, so when he went home for Spring break, he brought back a truck load of propel water.

Although it was a yucky and rainy day, a group of about 9 were determined to hang out with the people of Tent City. We handed out the bottles of water and even a quilt that I had in the back of my SUV. We chatted with men who go by the nicknames Cowboy & Tear Drop, and I even met another dog named Nash! We were only able to stay for a short amount of time, but this is somewhere I definitely want to go back to in the near future.

In 2008, I worked a camp called M-FUGE at Belmont University. Every week I would take a different group of teenagers and adults into the city of Nashville to do mission work. One of the places I went was the Nashville Rescue Mission where we served the homeless lunch and helped organize clothes down in their warehouse.
It was my favorite place because I was able to hang out and talk with different men who would come in off the streets for a nice hot lunch and a refreshing drink of water. I would hear stories about their loved ones, their journey through life, and their dreams of what they would like to accomplish one day. It was here that I developed a better understanding and love for the homeless. After camp was over, I started reading a book titled "Under the Overpass. A Journey of Faith on the Streets of America". This became one of my favorite books! It encouraged me to erase the stereotypes of how I see the homeless, to remember that every situation is different, and gave me ideas on how I can meet the needs of the homeless. I HIGHLY recommend reading this book; it's an easy read and you may be able to knock it out in a couple of days.
Here are some ways you can help the homeless in your community:
- Understand who the homeless are. Learn about different reasons for homelessness and remember that every situation IS unique.
- Educate yourself about the homeless. A homeless person could be someone who lost their job, a runaway child, or someone with a mental illness. We need to educate ourselves, so we can meet their needs.
- Show them kindness. Give them a smile, a hug, or a handshake. Look them in the eyes when speaking to them. Notice them.
- Bring food. Buy a bag of groceries for them or even take them into a restaurant and buy them a meal and chat it up with them.
- Give money. If you are uncomfortable giving them money, then donate money to the local mission.
- Volunteer with the homeless at soup kitchens and homeless shelters!
- Pray for ways for God to show you how you can be most effective with your talents and abilities in serving the homeless.
You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat.”
– Isaiah 25:4
I'm so glad you're writing this! Even though we only spent a short amount of time at Tent City, I'm so thankful we went there, and so happy to have met the great people I met there. I read Under the Overpass the summer when I interned with the Denver Rescue Mission, and your suggestions for what to do are great. I would also add: Exposure, exposure, exposure! We can feel so safe in our little bubble and so nervous when we come out of it, but we need to interact (our SOULS need to interact) with the neediest more often. I think a lot of time, it's uncomfortable at first, and yes, we WILL make mistakes, but it's okay. We learn, we grow, and we make relationships with other children of God. We learn to love more!
ReplyDeleteYes, you are totally right! We all do need to step out of our bubble and engage with neediest! Great idea as well! I love that: "we will make mistakes, but we will learn, grow, and make relationships with other children of God!" looooove it =)