Blood:Water Mission focuses on 2 things: the HIV/AIDS crisis and the Water crisis.
To help the HIV/AIDS and Water crisis, they are funding programs that address the full spectrum of prevention, treatment, and support for the HIV/AIDS crisis
they are funding programs in iWash which stands for Integrated Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene. They believe the future of Africa rests in the hands of its people therefore instead of providing hand outs, which usually lead to failed projects, they seek to transform the communities from the inside out by enabling them to be advocates of change. This leads them on a journey of self discovery and a better understanding of their capabilities and their assets.
There are many ways you can get involved with Blood: Water Mission. One way is through the water walk we participated in downtown Nashville. We started out with our buckets in hands at the Symphony Plaza and walked over the Cumberland River, which runs through Nashville, down to the river to "fetch a pail of water" as the old nursery rhyme goes. Everyday thousands of Africans have to walk for miles to gather water and often that water is contaminated.
So in honor of those who walk everyday, most likely several times a day, we wanted to take a walk in the shoes of our friends in Africa.
I do not have a camera anymore, so thank you Chad for letting me use your pictures in my blog to capture the awesome experience of raising awareness and impacting the lives of others! Check out the video blog he did!!

The entire time of walking, I had the Point of Grace song "Shall We Gather At The River" stuck in my head. Either that or "Down to the River to Pray" by the Soggy Bottom Boys.
On our way back, we walked in silence in honor of our friends in Africa. We walked I think it was 1.1 miles carrying buckets of water. My bucket was a 3 gallon bucket. I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty tough. I had to keep switching the bucket back and forth between my hands, so my arms wouldn't get too wore out.
My new friend Daniel, who is too the left of me, carried the entire bucket of water on his head. Impressive? I would say so.

So take action by starting a water walk in your town! It's a great way to raise awareness!
Also $1 can give an African water for an entire year!!
"And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward"
Matthew 10:42
(this verse is actually the verse I am thinking about getting in a tattoo design of mine)