This is one of my favorite pictures of Martin Luther King Jr.
Today I remember one of the most amazing women in history, Rosa Parks.
Truthfully the past 3 Christmases have been rather....hmmmm flustering I would say. My great grandfather passed away during one of those Christmases and the others were just rather stressful due to where I was financially at that time. BUT now, I'm a little better off financially, I weeded out some negativity in my life AND I am determined for this Christmas to be filled with lots of love, laughter, worship, and giving back!
This Christmas season, my hope is to fill someone's life with
sooooooo, with that said...here are some of my ideas for Christmas presents for my friends and family and I would like to share them with you just in case you may want to do the same.
fashionABLE This organization has beautiful hand woven scarfs by women who have been exploited due to poverty. By purchasing, you help creating sustainable income for these lovely women and their children.
My beautiful friend Courtney and her husband Brandon are trying to adopt a sibling group from
Falling Whistles I actually just bought myself a whistle a few weeks ago and looooove it. This organization is helping to save the children who are involved in the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo. All the money from YOU purchasing the whistle goes towards advocating for these children and providing rehabilitation for them! Be a whistleblower for peace! These children need YOU, they need US!
eXile International Bethany Haley and Peggy Cox co-founded this organization to help serve the hurting and displaced people of
Thistle Farms is a social enterprise that is run by women at the Magdalene House located right here in
Mocha Club. Give the gift that gives twice! All the money from purchasing their apparel and accessories benefit
International Justice Mission. Give the gift of FREEDOM! by giving to IJM, you can send an IJM investigator undercover for a day, pay for all the court fees required to take a trafficker to trial, provide counseling and rehabilitation for human trafficking victims, and give a voice to victims of sexual violence. oh yeah, IJM is a human rights agency that secures justice for victims of slavery, sexual exploitation, and other forms of violent oppression.
XXXChurch Jesus Loves Porn Starts Too...yep he does.
Okay, so these are some of the amazing, life changing organizations that I have purchased items from for either myself or loved ones for Christmas! You should do the same...just sayin! Give the gift of life and freedom this year: freedom from addiction, freedom from chains, freedom from poverty and freedom from sin. Give someone hope, give them your time, your love, and Jesus =)
For more ideas check out these organizations:
Love, Megs
oh the things we did:
1. I hauled what it felt like a 50lb backpack over 10 blocks to meet Kelsey because I refused to pay for a cab.
2. First dinner in NYC- garden burgers and instant mashed potatoes. Saved lots of money by eating in. Great idea!
3. Met my lovely cousin, Laura, and her co workers for beer and pizza at John's Pizzeria.
4. Met Kelsey's German friend, Paul, for chips and salsa and margaritas. What a swell guy.
5. Fell asleep on a sidewalk (wasn't drunk, just tired from the day's festivities, fyi)
6. Woke up to Jodie puking her life away because she wasn't use to American food quite yet. She had spent the last 5 mths in
7. Rode the NJ transit to go visit my family!! Grilled out by the pool and went out for ice cream.
8. Spent 8 hours out on Governor's
9. Grabbed a burrito and watched the fireworks. Happy 4th!
10. Dylan's
11. Grabbed a yummy salad and spent the day in
12. Visited Tiffany & Co. Didn't find my dream ring, oh well.
13. Explored through
14. Met some locals at Planet Hollywood while watching the Holland Uruguay game. They took us around to some more places to hang out, one of them being a sushi/karaoke bar where we sang Smells Like Teen Spirit a few times. We didn't pay for a thing!! SCORE
15. Walked across the
16. Watched the Germany Spain game at a Pub. Grabbed some cupcakes afterwards and walked down to the Pub that How I Met Your Mother is based off of. (Favorite show!)
17. Jodie & Kelsey's mom and brother and his friend Sam arrived in NYC!!
18. Rode the Staten Island Ferry, which was FREE. Saw the Liberty Lady and all her Glory!
19. Visited the MoMA (
20. Met up with my cousins, Laura and Dana, and her co workers for margaritas and bowling. My family is the best!
22. Said goodbye to Kelsey and loaded up the car for the drive home. Had to leave the kooler behind because there wasn't enough room. We were PACKED in!
23. Drove around 17 hours!!!
24. Stopped somewhere in VA at Ruby Tuesdays to watch the Finals!!! Sad that
25. Back home in Nashville!!!!
Now something about proclaiming freedom, the whole reason I started this blog:
While in NYC, I remembered an organization I once researched that is located there called GEMS. GEMS stands for Girls Educational and Mentoring Service. They are the only organization in New York that is designed to serve young women who have been sexually exploited or trafficked in the US. They have many different programs for empowering survivors from prevention, outreach and court advocacy to trauma based therapy and educational mentoring. Definitely check out their website to learn more and learn how you can make a difference and watch the Very Young Girls trailer to see what these very young girls experience on a daily basis.
“Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people.” Isaiah 10:1-2
sooooo I really suck at blogging...dang...but I need to tell you of an experience that rocked my world that happened...well around Easter. This is pretty long because I have soooo much to say.
My lovely friend Mindy and I joined Amos House Community on a spiritual awakening and understanding on the streets of
They told us in the beginning to not bring cell phones, money, food or extra clothing with us. We were allowed to bring our Bible, a journal, a water bottle and our id. We were to depend on the hospitality of others for food, a place to lay our heads, and a place to go to the bathrooms. This pretty much made me anxious about how this was all going to work but very excited on what I was about to embark on!
We started out on Good Friday around 4pm meeting at the church street park (the one across from the downtown public library) and began walking through downtown
Jeannie, Lindsey, and Andrew, our fearless leaders, did an amazing job leading us through this and teaching us about how the poor are betrayed, condemned, crucified, helped and consoled on a daily basis.
After we finished the stations of the cross, majority of the people left and it was down to a group of 10 of us. We sat down and chatted for a bit about who we were and why we decided to partake in something like this. We also decided what were going to do for dinner which came to the conclusion that we were going to panhandle. This was an extremely difficult process for me. I hated the idea of asking people for money or food. I don't know why it was so difficult. Maybe because I was afraid they would ask me questions about why I was asking and I would fumble over my words or blow my cover or whatever. I'm not that good of a B.S'er. Anyways, new friend, Ian and I decided to see if we could get some chips from El Rey, one of the Mexican restaurants downtown. Ian literally had to coach me into talking to these people sitting on the patio for about 10 minutes. Once I finally had the nerve to ask, I walked up to them and asked if we could have their leftover chips....which they so kindly handed over to me...all bug eyed. Mindy and Rebecca were able to scrounge up $11 and some leftover Roma pizza that was sitting near a trashcan. The rest of the team found hot dogs and even more chips from SATCO!! I love SATCO even more now since they donated some of their food!!
Once we were all back together we went back to the
The rest of the night we talked about where to sleep and where to use the bathroom. We decided to break either into pairs or groups of 3 so we could go use the bathroom in the Renaissance Hotel with out being noticed. We were never noticed. We slept on the concrete steps ofMcKendree Methodist Church which I will mention why this church is amazing later on in my blog. It was so cold and all I had was a blanket. I spooned with a total stranger, well it was Rebecca, but I just met her and I didn't even care. I also spooned with Mindy too. I don't even like spooning that much. We slept out on the grass at first, thinking it would be softer, but it was so cold that we decided to get under the awning. I ended up sleeping on the doorway step using the Bible as my pillow. I did not get very much sleep.
Around 5am, we woke up and started on our Journey across town to the Nashville Rescue Mission where we sat outside of it and discussed the organization as well as the Command Center which stands across the street from it. At the command center, a day labor agency, homeless men from the streets line up there on a daily basis between 4 and 5am in hopes of getting chosen for work. The Command Center charges these men, who don't already have any money, for supplies to use while on site, such as work goggles, hard hat, work boots, transportation to and from site, lockers to keep their belongings in, and lunch. An 8 hour day of hard manual labor could add up to around $35 after you take all the fees out of it, which by the way, is absurd! And on top of that, you have to pay a fee in order to cash your check there! Some people may say, "well why don't they just go out there and get a better job?".....well gaining better, stable employment is more difficult for these men and women when they have criminal/misdemeanor charges on their backgrounds and they don't have a home address, proper identification, cell phone or transportation. Sometimes this is all the have to resort to. It's really sad that this agency is ran the way it is. Do away with all the dumb fees and pay these people what they deserve for their hard earned money. Give people a chance too!
The rest of the day we walked all around downtown
Although I would love to write about everything my eyes were opened too and all the things that blew my mind, I believe that Jeannie and Lindsey said it best in this article: http://amoshouse.wordpress.com/2010/03/31/enter-the-gates-and-weep-the-foolishness-of-mercy/
This has a powerful message and it's very long, so take some time to read through it.
I met so many amazing passionate people on this trip! Some were my age and out of college, some were older and much wiser, some lived under bridges in tents, some shared houses with each other, some were fixing to get married, some were with child, some were Vietnam veterans, some thought we were crazy and preached Jesus at us, some were generous and bought us hot dogs, some were homeless and some were not, some played beautiful music with spoons, some served us food underneath the Jefferson Street bridge, some told us about their family, the pain they were going through and some even prayed for us.
In the end, no matter who we are or where we came from or what we even did, we are all human beings who are loved by God and who are called to love each other. We aren't called to just sit there and do nothing about all the injustice in the world, nothing about the ones who are lost, the ones who are hurting....no we are called to do something! The time is now...not later....just do something!
If not us, then who?? If not now, then when??? John Lewis 1961
If you actually read ALL of this, I am thoroughly impress. Way 2 Go!!